Ways to work with us

Care for animals, people and planet with proper support

An interconnected approach is the key to caring for animals, people and the planet.

We need to give care AND take care if we want to make a positive difference in the world and inspire others to do the same. 

Trouble is, noone shows you how to do these things. You're usually left to figure it out for yourself - the hard way. 

Not anymore.


By working with us you get the insight, guidance and support you need, in the format you choose. 

Explore the options


Perfect for you if:

You need to make decisions for the animals or people in your care. Thing is, you don't always have the tools or time to get the insights you need. 

You're an organisation that wants to lead the way in animal welfare but you keep butting up against endless setbacks and surprises, leaving you feeling like you're going round in circles. 

You're a team that want to do things right, and do the right things... but knowing what to prioritise and how to make it happen feels just out of reach. 

How it works:

Book a FREE call to talk it through. We'll explore what you need, want, and what we think will help as first steps. We prefer to talk in person because it gives you a better feel for how we work and if we're the right fit for you.

Or explore our services for animal wellbeing and human wellbeing and planetary wellbeing.

Book your call
"So many wow moments. I feel like I have renewed vigor for my job.
This is the most hopeful I have felt in a really long time."
AnimalConcepts Sabrina Brando Teaching Zoo Animal Welfare China

Workshops, webinars and events

Perfect for you if:

You're looking for expert insight, training and Continous Personal and Professional Development (CPPD). You might want to dive in deep and know the topics you need, or want support creating a specific program. Either way, you're looking for an interactive experience where you can implement what you learn straight away.

You have learning objectives or content to cover but don't want learning to be limited. You want information from a trusted source and insight based on experience and expertise. 

You're a zoo, aquarium, or other animal care facility and want to explore the new frontiers of welfare and wellbeing science with specialist insight to enrich your word-leading approach to animals, people, and the planet. 

How it works:

You choose from online or in-person options, with single or multi-day packages to suit your needs and budget.

Browse the topics available from the download below, then book your FREE call to set your date and duration. We prefer to chat on a call so you can get an 'in-person' feel for what we'd do on the day, but you can also email us here.

Browse topics
Call To Action
"Sabrina's talk was just what I needed when I needed it."


Perfect for you if:

You're in a job with big responsibilities and a million things to do. You feel a little lost with where to start and overwhelmed with all the things. You'd like to feel clear and confident with tailored support from people you can really rely on. 

You have several career paths in front of you and not sure which way to go. Or you're struggling to find opportunities and want to access a network of people and possibilities.

You've got so many interests to explore - but which would make a good career path? What would sustain you and the life you want to create? Some 1:1 guidance from those who have gone before you, or who you aspire to be like would be just the thing right now.

How it works:

Contact us to introduce yourself then book your 1:1 time with Sabrina. It doesn't matter if you want to get super specific or if you're feeling entirely lost, we'll work with you so you feel clear and confident in whatever you're facing. This is your space to explore 'all the things'.

Contact us to book your call
"Sabrina made a huge impact on my thinking"

Membership and online learning

Perfect for you if:

You're doing your 'job' but in your heart you know there is a better way. You know a holistic approach would be better but it always seems to be missing from the conversation. What's even worse is that you're made to feel unscientific or emotional for pointing it out or trying to do things differently. 

You're looking for learning that is interconnected and actually shows you how to put things into practice in the real world. You know you can only do better once you know better - which is why you want to learn from expert insight and trusted sources with real-life examples and applications for animal, human and planetary wellbeing.

You want access to experts in real time, with conversations, discussions and questions encouraged. Wouldn't it be cool to chat to the author of the book you just read or jump on a webinar with the likes of Jane Goodall, Jon Coe or other world-leading experts and change-makers? This is the space you can. 

You need evidence-based resources and learning that supports you in caring for animals and for yourself. Everyone should have access to learning and these platforms make it possible. 

How it works:

You can sign up and become a member to access four interconnected online learning platforms. The platforms connect animal, human and planetary wellbeing, guiding your through how to give care and take care for yourself. 

You can sign up as an individual HERE. Or as a team and organisation HERE. If you'd like to look inside the platforms first then book your FREE call with Sabrina. 

We are dedicated to creating a more diverse, equal and inclusive world for all so if you'd like support with reduced membership fees then please contact us. Or if you'd like to sponsor the membership of an individual or organisation you can give an Act of Kindness HERE.

Book your FREE tour of the platforms
"The world wide platforms bring us together in ways most other organisations don't, or can’t"

Research support

Perfect for you if:

You have an upcoming project and don't know where to start or what focus to pick.

You need support with any aspect of your research; from planning and development to writing, researching or finalising. You want someone active in the academic field, with extensive experience in publishing, reviewing and providing feedback. 

You want to maximise your positive impact as an animal care facility by establishing or improving your research activities. You want to strengthen your evidence-based care programs, highlight positive progress, or demonstrate what is possible for people, animals and the planet on the international stage.

 You are already an academic but know that added insight and collaboration is always valuable. 

 How it works:

Book your 1:1 call with Sabrina to introduce yourself and your project, discuss your requirements, and explore the next steps together. Or you can email us first with any questions. 

Book your call
24 Observing behaviour dolphins programs Sabrina Brando AnimalConcepts
"Sabrina is a leader in bridging the gap between scientific research and practical application,
as well as in the promotion of the interconnectivity between people and animals."

What people say

AnimalConcepts is a leading organization in improving the welfare of animals and the people who take care of them. I know many organizations worldwide that have used AnimalConcepts' services, including customized consulting and their online learning platform, and speak very highly of them. In particular, Sabrina Brando has decades of expertise in animal welfare, consulting, workshops, trainings, and more. - Dr Gregg Tully


Animal and human wellbeing is at the heart of Scottish SPCA, so to have the opportunity for a prestigious welfare scientist such as Sabrina to offer her words of wisdom to the animal care team here at the Dunbartonshire Animal Rescue and Rehoming Centre was a privilege and a treat.

The team were engaged with the workshop and absolutely buzzing with ideas about how, where, when, why and what they could make improvements with. They considered not only the wellbeing of the 140 animals at our centre, but also their own wellbeing and that of their colleagues, which is so important when you are in such an unavoidably emotive job role.

The workshop delivered by Sabrina received such great feedback that we have asked AnimalConcepts to return next year to offer this fantastic opportunity to the wider Society and the rest of our animal rescue and rehoming centres across Scotland.

Nikki Morrison

Sabrina is an important leader in advancing the efforts of zoos and aquariums towards promoting positive animal welfare. She has taken a critical look at current practices and highlighted opportunities for enhancing how we care for animals. Her efforts have provided an influential spark in moving the community forward. - Dr Jason Wark

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Meet the team

Meet our kind, diverse, supportive and curious team with a range of experiences, knowledge and wisdom.

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Need financial support? Learn more about pro bono and other sponsorships via our ACTs of Kindness program.

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Why choose us

Find out if we’re the right fit and get a feel for how we would collaborate to make the biggest positive impact.

Let's work together