Season 1
Ep23 Frans de Waal on emotions and morality in animals
Dr. Frans de Waal is a Dutch primatologist and ethologist. He is C.H. Candler Professor of primate behaviour in the Department of Psychology at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. He is also the director of the...
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Ep22 Megan Ross on animal care and welfare & conservation science, honesty and success stories
Dr. Megan Ross is a visionary institutional director focused on all strategic, operational, and programmatic initiatives at Lincoln Park Zoo (LPZ). She is also the first female zoo director in the 150-year history of...
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Ep21 Terry Maple on animal welfare at the hand of science
Terry Maple on animal welfare at the hand of scienceDr. Terry L. Maple is an animal behaviourist and wildlife conservationist known for his visionary leadership in revitalizing Zoo Atlanta as the director. Aside from...
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Ep19 Saskia Verbruggen on the importance of training for positive animal welfare
Saskia Verbruggen is an experienced animal trainer from the Netherlands, with a long career training marine mammals as well as birds of prey. She founded her own consultancy company Animal Training Roundeurope.When...
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Ep18 Mirian Vilela on a vision for a better world, education, social transformation, and a global movement
In this episode Mirian Vilela guides us through the importance of sustainable development. She is originally from Brazil, but now she works in Costa Rica as the Executive Director of the Earth Charter International...
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Ep17 Mark Kingston Jones on enrichment and the importance of the individual
We are delighted to welcome Mark Kingston Jones on this next episode of the iBuzz podcast! Mark is a co-founder of Team Building With Bite, which aims to increase cohesion and animal welfare by having teams come...
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Ep11 Ineke van Herwijnen over opvoedstijlen, onderzoek, mooie verhalen vertellen en de hond-eigenaar relatie!
De eerste Nederlandse podcast is met Dr. Ineke van Herwijnen!Ineke van Herwijnen behaalde haar Master Nutrition and Health aan Wageningen University (Nederland) met een specialisatie in gezondheidspreventie in 2001....
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Ep10 Jim Guenter on Species360, the use of data for animal welfare and conservation, and global collaboration!
Jim Guenter is the CEO of Species360Jim has led Species360 since 2015. Before joining our organization, he served in technology leadership roles for major US corporations including Target.com, Best Buy, and Accenture,...
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Ep8 Erika Fleury about primates, finding your niche, and collaboration to make small changes every day!
Erika Fleury is an author and the Program Director of the North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance (NAPSA), and an unofficial primatologist, and loves to talk about primates!As Program Director Erika works on a lot...
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Ep7 Dr. David Shepherdson on enrichment, animal welfare and conservation
Dr. David Shepherdson is a biologist with a long and distinguished career in zoo animal welfare and conservation. David was inspired by Tinbergen, Durrell, and Lorentz, and completed a Ph.D. in ethology, on the...
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Ep2 Dr. Heather Hill on belugas, dolphins, research and a surprise animal!
In this episode, Dr. Heather Hill, Professor of Psychology, St. Mary's University, shares her research, experiences, pipe dreams, and stories about belugas, dolphins, and killer whales, including very exciting...
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Ep1 In memory of Graham Law - an inspiration to all in animal welfare and enrichment
The first podcast of AnimalConcepts is a special podcast. It is dedicated to our friend and colleague, the late Graham Law. This podcast is a conversation between AnimalConcepts & PAWSÂ Director Sabrina Brando and...
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