Together in an Ever-Changing World

Walk the talk on true care and sustainability

We are stronger together


Individuals and organisations play a vital role in caring for Earth and all worldkind.

When we use the word worldkind we are talking about people, other animals, rivers, mountains, oceans, forests, alpine meadows, deserts, glaciers, tundras, flowers, trees, views, beauty, awe and so much more. These are some of the diverse threads that make everyone and everything interconnected. 

 Where do we start?


The number of things that face us is huge.

Caring for animals and the people who care them, creating workplaces which are safe, brave and engaging and developing enriching educational programs for visitors of all ages that inspire action. Saving species, protecting wild places, reversing the loss of biodiversity, safeguarding water and habitats, and inspiring the change we hope to see in the world... it can feel overwhelming.

There are so many things - where do we start?

What can I do as an individual and as an organisation to support planetary wellbeing? 

The list is long, but we must start somewhere. 


It doesn't matter where we start - it matters that we start. We'll support you in putting true care and sustainability at the heart of everything you do so that together. We can start from a place of care, collaboration and clarity on the things that matter. Action changes things, so if we want a world that is well we can't just be talking about it - we need to support planetary care and wellbeing in all that we do... and that's exactly what we help you do. 


Someday is not a day. Today is the day. The world cannot wait for future promises or plans. Sustainability and planetary wellbeing are not abstract concepts for some future time—they're about now and what, how, and where you do things. It's about what you choose to prioritise today as an individual, team, organisation, and population. Don't wait for tomorrow—take action to protect the planet today and book your call for expert guidance.


Nothing gets done alone. Even when we work individually we are still supported, sustained and surrounded by others. And anyway, we're stronger together. By working collectively we can achieve far greater things than by working alone. United in care, compassion and connection we are able to create positive change for all - sustainably. Together we can, and together we will protect life on this Earth... so let's go to work.

Work with us for planetary wellbeing

Nothing gets done alone


By working collectively we can achieve far greater outcomes than by working alone.

When we feel connected, seen, respected and cared for we can create positive change for all through meaningful collaboration. 

Eduaction versus Education


Same letters, different outcome. Eduaction refers to teaching and learning approaches that empower people to take action and become the change they hope to see in the world. We believe this is crucial at all ages and particularly beneficial for young people and adults as they tend to have more opportunities to make changes, make decisions, and hold power in their purchases.

Eduaction is also about examining our assumptions and worldviews, and questioning whether they contribute to the wellbeing of worldkind. It requires considering and learning from other perspectives, including those that differ from your own, through curiosity, respect, and empathy.

We support you in turning education into eduaction for the benefit of all. We collaborate and consult for zoos, aquariums, sanctuaries, wildlife centres, shelters, colleges, universities, and research facilities to support our collective goals of learning and sharing to continue the journey toward a more caring, peaceful and sustainable Earth.

Book your FREE call to turn education into eduaction

Our approaches and inspiration


Interbeing: This embodies all that we do as AnimalConcepts. Interbeing is a term coined by Buddhist scholar Thich Nhat Hanh that refers to the interconnectedness of all – the insight that all beings and things exist in relationship to each other. Interbeing recognises that we are dependent on nature and also each other to live and that we do not exist outside or above nature, but are fully enmeshed within it.

Thich Nhat Hanh wrote, “About thirty years ago I was looking for an English word to describe our deep interconnection with everything else. I liked the word togetherness, but I finally came up with the word 'interbeing'. The verb 'to be' can be misleading, because we cannot be by ourselves, alone. 'To be' is always to 'inter-be'. If we combine the prefix 'inter' with the verb 'to be', we have a new verb, 'inter-be'. To inter-be and the action of interbeing reflects reality more accurately. We inter-are with one another and with all life.”

Our Interbeing approach aligns with Patagonia's stance that Earth is our only shareholder and the position of Onboarding Nature - Imagine that the nature of business is Nature's business

In everything we do we believe it is essential to walk the talk on true sustainability, inclusion, diversity, equity and equality for individuals, communities and all worldkind.

The Earth Charter &

Earth Charter International


One of the approaches we use at AnimalConcepts is the ethical lens of the Earth Charter, a global treasure and compass in supporting planetary wellbeing. 

The Earth Charter is a document with sixteen principles powering a global movement. Together, we are turning conscience into action for a thriving Earth. Thousands of people and organizations worldwide are part of the Earth Charter global movement. These individuals and organisations act at a local and independent level but collaborate continuously.

AnimalConcepts is proud to be an Earth Charter International Friend and Partner. Our purpose is rooted in and based on an interconnected culture of care and respect, serving people, animals, the greater community of life and the beautiful planet we share. Supporting the Earth Charter is one way in which we choose to enact this purpose.

Sustainable Development Goals


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

The 17 SDGs are integrated - they recognise that action in one area will affect outcomes in others and that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability.

AnimalConcepts' perspective highlights the intrinsic value of all. We are concerned with understanding and supporting the flourishing of worldkind, regardless of whether it benefits humankind.

We believe the Earth Charter in combination with other diverse approaches, embodies a considerate, kind, and sustainable approach for all of worldkind.

We have a finite environment – the planet. Anyone who thinks that you can have infinite growth in a finite environment is either a madman or an economist.

Sir David Attenborough

Book your FREE call to see how we can support you