Fight, fight, or freeze?
Chances are, you’re familiar with the term “fight or flight”. These words have become ingrained in our understanding of how animals tend to react when feeling stressed or unsafe. The instinctive reaction to either face an aggressor head-on or turn and run to escape conflict, and the biological processes which accompany these responses, are well-known and well-discussed in the animal kingdom. We may also talk about the “freeze” response, where animals remain motionless to avoid drawing attention from a threat. Together, these mechanisms form a repertoire of protective behaviours which aim to manage threat responses and enhance survival either as part of predator-prey dynamics or as part of managing their social groups within their species. However, another response occurs which is often overlooked - the "fawn" response.
What is the fawn response?
Better described in studies of human trauma responses, the fawn response refers to displaying behaviours such...
"Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect." - Chief Seattle
Monday 5th June we celebrated World Environment Day, an event intended to raise global awareness and take action on pressing environmental issues. It is organised by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and serves as a platform for promoting positive environmental action worldwide. This year the theme will focus on solutions to plastic pollution under the campaign #BeatPlasticPollution.
Every year, more than 400 million tonnes of plastic are produced, with half of it intended for single-use purposes. Of that, less than 10 per cent is recycled. Around 19-23 million tonnes end up in lakes, rivers and oceans, exacerbating the problem. Currently, plastic pollution is evident in overflowing landfills, ocean contamination, and the release of toxic fumes when incinerated, making it one of the ...
Integrate values and learnings
Our focus for March on the planetary wellbeing platform was on values and learnings integration, and how to develop our own morals, values, and code of ethics in the direction of positive change. Irma Verhoeven, Programme and Partnership Development Manager at Earth Charter International Secretariat, shares in this podcast her insights and experiences on why education plays such an important role in human behaviour changes and empowerment. AnimalConcepts is a proud Earth Charter International Partner since 2020.
Interested in education, conservation, and research? Want to learn about animal, planetary and human wellbeing? INTERBEING is the podcast series by AnimalConcepts that shares stories, experiences, science, and practices related to animal welfare and care, and the wellbeing of animal care professionals as well as the Earth Charter related to planetary wellbeing, and ultimately wellbeing for all. Listen to it HERE
The importance of community ...
Animal Sentience and Welfare: A Self-help Guide by Professor Emeritus John Webster
"For more than 50 years my thoughts and deeds have focused on animal sentience and animal welfare, viewed, so far as possible through their eyes, not ours. I offer this site as an introduction to these things, as I understand them, for all who care, whatever their age and experience. My approach is based on the principle of Reverence for Life. My rules of engagement are constrained by the principles of sound science. Together, these drive me to the conclusion that all life is worthy of respect and no species is better or more worthy of our respect than any other. My aim throughout this brief introduction to the philosophy, science and practice of animal welfare is not to suggest what you should think but to present structures upon which you can develop your own thoughts and interpret your experience. There are links for those who want to dig deeper. I have put these ideas on a website because those with...
Last week we released our new Foundations platform, which is designed to be a starting point for those who are new to the platform, need a refresher on how to use our library, or are looking for basic introductory information on the many concepts we cover across our three animal, human, and planetary wellbeing platforms.
As with all resources on all our platforms, these resources are designed to be used at any time, anywhere, when you need them. You can find a variety of materials like introduction to animal welfare assessments and the Earth Charter, guides on how to read scientific resources or how to be a transformational leader, and practical activities to apply your acquired knowledge. Every month we release new information and practical exercises that will help you to learn and understand different topics, with useful illustrations, glossaries, and more attractive resources.
We aim to provide content that suits a wide range of people from a wide range of backgrounds, no matter h...
FOUNDATIONS platform launch
We are committed to providing accessible and affordable continued professional development and learning opportunities for all in the animal care and conservation community. This includes everyone from students to professors and from trainee animal care staff to CEOs: we aim to provide content that suits a wide range of people from a wide range of backgrounds, no matter how much experience you have.
That’s why we are developing and launching a brand-new platform as part of our interconnected learning experience through the AnimalConcepts membership: FOUNDATIONS!
Our new Foundations platform, bringing us up to 4 interconnected platforms, is designed to be a starting point for those who are new to the platform, need a refresher on how to use our library, or are looking for basic introductory information on the many concepts we cover across our three animal, human, and planetary wellbeing platforms.
As with all resources on all our platforms, these resources...
A new paper on which AnimalConcepts founder Sabrina Brando has collaborated is available for open access. The highlights of the peer-reviewed article are:
You can download the paper and supplemental information HERE
Another Science into Practice is available on the animal wellbeing platform, as well as new human and planetary wellbeing content. Want to learn more? Sign up HERE
DogPAWS is a novel online platform that provides everyone with access to continuous science-based learning, sharing opportunities, and resources needed to support optimal dog wellbeing. This platform is an international collaboration between Sabrina Brando and the team at AnimalConcepts, Dr Annika Bremhorst, and Dr Sabrina Karl. The platform kicks off with a major online launch party this Saturday from 11:00 to 18:00 GMT+1 with a series of exciting talks on dog science, practice, and training from selected scientists, experts, and practitioners around the world. You can convert your time zone HERE.
Join the party by registering via to reserve your free online ticket and receive the launch party access link. You can find more updates also in the Facebook event HERE.
Check the draft program ⬆️ & celebrate the launch of DogPAWS with us!
Another Science into Practice is available on the animal wellbeing platform, as well as new human and planetary w...
Update on forthcoming book Optimal Wellbeing of Ageing Wild Animals in Human Care
Sabrina Brando and Dr Sarah Chapman submitted the edited volume on caring for ageing animals! After more than 2 years of collaboration with wonderful co-authors, they have finished editing all chapters and content. The book has been submitted to the editorial team at Springer Nature and is expected to be released later this summer. Many thanks to all the contributors, including the fabulous photos of individual animals and their stories. Stay tuned!
Another Science into Practice is available on the animal wellbeing platform, as well as new human and planetary wellbeing content. Want to learn more? Sign up HERE
I wonder if rain is scared of falling if it has trouble letting go, if snow flakes get sick of being perfect all the time each one trying to be one-of-a-kind.
In light of the Interbeing, we are inspired by these beautiful words from the poem "Being Human" by poet Naima Penniman. This...
Watch the welcome message from Irma Verhoeven and Sabrina Brando on planetary wellbeing. It was filmed earlier this month in the Dordogne in France, inspired by stars, the forest, all kinds of neighbours and mosses! Another year has started to learn, share, and discuss how to create a global movement towards a more just, sustainable and peaceful world for everyone.
Another Science into Practice is available on the PAWS platform!
Want to learn more? Sign up HERE
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