Press release: AnimalConcepts supporting the Association of Minority Zoo & Aquarium Professionals

2021 amzap dei Mar 31, 2021

Media contact: Sabrina Brando
Founder and director
[email protected]


Press ReleaseĀ 


AnimalConcepts supporting the Association of Minority Zoo & Aquarium Professionals

AnimalConcepts is delighted to announce a new collaboration! From now on we are supporting theĀ Association of Minority Zoo & Aquarium Professionals (AMZAP) in its missionĀ of increasing minority representation throughout the zoo industry. Through networking, outreach, mentoring and professional development resources, AMZAP builds relationships amongst minorities.

AMZAP is a network of professionals working with exotic animal husbandry, research, and conservation. The association focuses on developing a sense of community amongst minorities working in the zoo industry and promoting animal care and conservation careers as viable options.

AMZAP was officially created in 2020 however the concept of an organized group to support the minority zoo professionals began in 2018. The goal wa...

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