Last chance to have your say

 Last chance to have your say for 2024

Membership that helps you make a difference for animals, people, and the planet - now wouldn't that be something special...

The INTERBEING platforms highlight interconnection. They combine science, compassion, and community so that you have a toolbox of opportunities for positive change. You are supported to feel good while doing good for animals, people, the planet and yourself.

The four interconnected platforms include:

  • Regular webinars to learn from experts - but who do you want to hear from?
  • Tools and resources that put science into practice - but what's most helpful?
  • Topics that highlight interconnection - but what topics are interesting?

We're about to plan the platforms for 2024
You get to guide the decision making

Last chance to have your say


Not a member?

That's okay! We make a lot of free resources that you can access without being a member. Our goal is to make learning accessible, interesting and interconnected. You can...

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Webinar with Omuta City Zoo in Japan on 'Animal welfare is a goal and an end in itself'


Media contact: Sabrina Brando

Founder and Director


[email protected]



Press Release


AnimalConcepts is delighted to share an event in collaboration with Omuta City Zoo that is now available online as a recording on YouTube. This event was held live on 16 June 2021. We would like to thank Omuta City Zoo again for the invitation! 

The webinar titled 'Animal welfare is a goal and an end in itself' invited the audience to consider an animal's life 24/7 across lifespan. To think about animal wellbeing connected to, but also independent, from other the goals. It highlighted that while other goals such as e.g., conservation, education, and research are important - sometimes called 'greater goals', focusing on the animals and their wellbeing is a goal in itself and it is a greater goal in itself too.

The webinar was fully booked, attracting 50 participants and more views are expected via the online recording. 

Omuta City Zoo opened in 1941 ...

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Press release: A more diverse, equal and inclusive (DEI) world: Goodbye to discounts and more!

Media contact: Sabrina Brando
Founder and director
[email protected]


Press release


A more diverse, equal and inclusive (DEI) world: Goodbye to discounts and more!

AnimalConcepts is dedicated to creating a more diverse, equal and inclusive (DEI) world for all and our purpose is wellbeing for everyone, and when we say everyone, we mean everyone. Creating an inclusive culture is not just the right thing to do, it’s also the smart thing to do. Diverse, multicultural perspectives make us and our lives better. Through our global activities, commitments, and partnerships we aim to reflect the communities we serve so everyone feels empowered to achieve excellence in animal care, conservation, and human wellbeing.

In line with our commitment to embodying and practising DEI we have said goodbye to bonuses and discounts e.g., ‘Become a member for 12 months - get 2 months off’, flash sales, early birds, and other types of discounts that do not facilita...

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Press release: Wellbeing for Everyone: Diversity, equity, and inclusion at AnimalConcepts

Media contact: Sabrina Brando
Founder and director
[email protected]


Press release


Wellbeing for Everyone: Diversity, equity, and inclusion at AnimalConcepts

Teulada, Spain (11 January 2021) AnimalConcepts has launched a new website last month to help you care for animals and yourself. This includes new pages not only dedicated to our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion statement but also to pro bono and scholarships opportunities so that ALL animals and people can flourish.

“The worldwide platform brings us together in ways most other organisations don’t, or can’t. What AnimalConcepts does is so important!" said Darren Minier, Assistant Director of Oakland Zoo. We see businesses as powerful tools for change, and we are dedicated to creating a more diverse, equal, and inclusive world for all. Diverse, multicultural perspectives make us and our lives better. Through our global activities, commitments, and partnerships, we aim to reflect the communi...

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