Ep56 Sabrina Brando on system failures in the zoo and aquarium related domains, rebooting to see the broader picture & ACT for more positive changes. Part 1: An overview

2021 ibuzz podcast Aug 14, 2021

The global zoo community has made great efforts and progresses to understanding, promoting, and engaging in the animal welfare and conservation domain. However, there are, among others, various legal, educational, strategical, and operational aspects which affect animal welfare, and which warrant critical analysis, discussions, mitigation, and resolution. This podcast will not only highlight some of the ‘System failures’ as Sabrina Brando has started to call them, root problems that cause some or many symptoms but will also be a call to action. Too often we still deal with symptoms instead of going to the root of the problem, many of which can only be solved by local and a global approach, and multi-disciplinary collaboration.

Working with zoos and aquariums and promoting optimal wellbeing for the many animals in our care, what does such a relationship look like, what are the different distant and proximate aspects related to animal wellbeing are important for us to review and address? What can we do, or do have to start doing to continue making a difference for animals?

This podcast is part of a series of podcasts to be released and is related to a paper with the same tentative title, Reboot: System failures in the zoo and aquarium related domains, that she is currently writing. It is based on her own experiences and observations of working in the animal care and welfare field in zoos and aquariums, and the countless interactions, discussions, and valuable reflections with friends and colleagues for which she is very grateful. So many people have enriched her life and so many animals shared their needs, preferences and stories. Other animals have been and are her teachers too.

The overview in this podcast covers animal welfare in general, care and management specifically, laws, design and architecture and regulated professions. Sabrina highlights the importance of an auto critical approach and reviewing internal and external obstacles and challenges with a focus on opportunities.

The topics discussed within also apply to other fields such as sanctuaries, shelters, companion animals, among others. While there are differences between countries and regions, what is interesting is also the universality of many of the obstacles and challenges. While there are differences there are many more similarities and while working locally is key, there is a need and opportunity to find support and strength through global collaboration.
Sabrina thanks all you out there for caring for animals, doing research, working in the protection of animals and more. The animals need all of us, and we need all of us to continue to make a difference!

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