Ep6 Jen Feuerstein about practising pant hoots, resilience, learning, & fellow animals

2020 ibuzz podcast Jun 26, 2020

In this episode, Jen Feuerstein shares her long experience and knowledge of caring and working for our fellow animals in a wide variety of settings, from sanctuaries, research facilities, to zoos and shelters. Jen is currently the Director of Human Resources at the Humane Society Naples. Formerly Manager of Administration at Project Chimps (2016-2018) and Sanctuary Director at Save the Chimps (2003 – 2015).

Jen has spent a lot of time observing all kinds of primates and other species, looking at the details such as "Is their hair standing on end, what are they looking at?" and learning about their social life, their preferences, and listening to what trying to communicate. Besides her work in the USA, Jen has traveled to Europe and Africa to share through lectures, workshops, and seminars, and highlights the importance of learning from other people, having mentors, asking lots of questions, and hearing lots of different stories, strategies, and experiences.

Listen to this podcast to hear the beautiful stories Jen shares about non-verbal communication with other species, exchanging a screwdriver for an ...., to give other beings a chance by supporting them, and how you know there is a happy chimpanzee nearby!

Short bio:

Jen Feuerstein is a biologist with over 25 years’ experience in the behaviour, care, and socialization of captive non-human primates, particularly chimpanzees. A graduate of Kalamazoo College, Jen has worked with prosimians, monkeys, and great apes in the zoo, laboratory, and sanctuary settings, and was fortunate to be mentored for many years by the late Dr. Carole Noon, founder of Save the Chimps, Inc.

She co-founded the Laboratory Primate Advocacy Group (LPAG) and the North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance (NAPSA) and has donated her time as an educator for the Pan African Sanctuary Alliance (PASA). In recent years Jen has shifted to administrative roles within the animal protection community and currently serves as Director of Human Resources for Humane Society Naples, a shelter and service organization for companion animals.

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